A good preschool can make the difference in a child’s future. We know that one of the most important decisions a parent can make is the choice of a preschool for their child. At Lakewood Village we understand the love and concern that goes into that decision. We are committed to providing a safe, caring, and nurturing learning environment for your child. Our goal is to inspire and nurture children’s relationships with others and to embrace and encourage competence and self-reliance.
We are a private Christian school
We are licensed by the State of California
We serve ages 2.5 to 5 years
Potty-training class available
We offer both ½ day and partial day programs
We have a 1:12 teacher/student ratio
We work closely with the local public & private schools to ensure kindergarten readiness for each student graduating from our program
We offer curriculum areas of creative arts, science, math, language, imaginative play, and gross & fine motor skills
Our Philosophy
Our philosophy is to provide an exciting learning environment that fosters positive self-esteem and focuses on the development of the whole child socially, emotionally, cognitively, and physically. Our curriculum has been designed with an age-appropriate learning environment that recognizes the individual needs of children and their natural curiosity for learning.
Our Spiritual Statement
We introduce faith by experiencing the love of Jesus through tangible everyday experiences and interactions within our preschool and church community. All classes participate in prayer, Bible stories and monthly chapel service.
Special Days
We have several fun days planned that enrich our program. Here are just a few…
Monthly Chapel
Ice Cream Social
Color Days
School Spirit Days
Halloween Festival
Friendsgiving Feast
Christmas Program
Pajama Day
Snow Day
Mother’s Day
Dad’s Day
Mini Grand Prix
School Picnic
Graduation Ceremony